Mens Golfing

The Men’s Membership Section is very successful and is continuously growing, mainly due to the excellent all-year round condition of the course along with the busy diary of competitions (see Men’s section competition rules below) and welcoming, friendly atmosphere among the current members. Whether you’re a golfer looking to further your game or simply play and get involved in the section, you will enjoy your time here at Cambridge Meridian.

With a season full of weekend and midweek competitions, friendly and scratch matches there is plenty of competitive and social golf available to play and get involved in.

There is also a weekly ‘Mingle’ amongst the members played every weekend in a relaxed friendly format. Although playing golf on a quality Championship course is the main reason golfers choose to have their membership with us, there are also an array of social events, such as a monthly quiz, race nights and themed events which give added value and enjoyment to being a member here.

Other benefits of membership include a loyalty card, giving 10 per cent discount on drinks and food for use in the clubhouse, advanced tee bookings, members-only tee times before 10am at the weekend, reduced members’ guest rates and frequent special offers.

There are also several ‘away’ days and weekends throughout the year, whereby some of the members get together and play a different course, sometimes making a weekend out of it. One of the great things about the Men’s section is the friendly and relaxed atmosphere both on the golf course and in the clubhouse, which means you can be sure that you will enjoy a membership at Cambridge Meridian.



All competitions shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as defined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and in accordance with Cambridge Meridian Golf Club’s (CMGC) Local Rules.

All competitors are expected to familiarise themselves with these Rules.  Being unaware of any specific Rule will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply.

These Rules will be kept under continual review and updated as and when necessary.


These are published in the annual Club diary of events.  An explanation of the most common competition formats and a description of the competitions is published on the competition notice board.


You can only enter and play in Men’s competitions if you have a category of membership that entitles you to do so.

Corporate members can only play in individual Medal and Stableford competitions (and other Club run social events), subject to paying the necessary green fee and competition entry fee.  Corporate members are not eligible to play in ‘Trophy’, ‘Board’ or Knock Out competitions.

Individual Medal and Stableford competitions are open to eligible members with an official CONGU handicap (active (‘c’) or inactive) and members with ‘club handicaps’ (29-54). However, members with ‘club handicaps’ are not eligible to compete for prizes in those competitions and do not pay an entry fee. ‘Club handicaps’ for men’s competitions are administered separately by the Club management.

Members with inactive handicaps can play in all competitions, other than Club competition match play knockouts and the Men’s Club Championship.

Juniors (up to 18) can play in competitions. However, Juniors must play with at least one adult (18 and over) also playing in the competition.

Competitors cannot be accompanied by playing guests, or non-competition playing members, in the competition.

For weekend competitions, there is an entry sheet on the competition notice board with allocated tee times, on which to enter your name.  You are encouraged to play within these tee times.  The entry sheet will be closed down 7 days before the competition, but any vacant slots can be filled up to the day of the competition. For most weekend competitions, you can play later if you wish, but you must play with, and have your card marked by, someone else who is also playing in the competition.

You cannot play in a weekend competition earlier than the first allocated tee time on the entry sheet.

It is your responsibility to check with the Pro shop that the tee time you have chosen has not been changed, no later than the Friday before the competition. Every effort will be made to minimise tee time changes, but sometimes this may be necessary for operational reasons.

For mid week competitions you should report to and sign in at the pro shop.  You can play at any time of the day of a mid week competition.  You must play with, and have your card marked by, someone else who is also playing in the competition.

Only put your name down for a competition on the entry sheet if you intend to play.  If you enter someone else for a competition please ensure they know what you have done and that they intend to play.

All entry fees must be paid prior to teeing off in the competition.  Failure to pay prior to tee off will result in disqualification.

Five and a half day Members can play in Sunday competitions after 15.00 where late entry is allowed, subject to the same criteria as above.  Scores must be entered onto the computer and signed scorecards returned.

A player must have played at least 3 Club qualifying competitions (excluding Supplementary rounds) in the year prior to date of the Men’s Club Championship to be eligible to enter this event.


If having entered a competition you find that you cannot play for any reason, please let the Club know (through the pro shop) as soon as possible in advance, ideally before the closing date on the competition entry sheet.  Please do more than just letting your playing partner(s) know. Letting the Club know enables entries to be rearranged and empty slots to be filled if necessary.

Clearly, the Club will be sympathetic to late emergencies or illnesses if you find you cannot play.

Unless a competition is cancelled (in advance or during a competition) all entrants are expected to be prepared to play irrespective of weather conditions.


All competitors will be expected to comply with the Rules of Golf, including Section 1 Etiquette: Behaviour on the Course. Rules of Golf penalties will apply.

A player must not ride on a buggy or any form on transportation during a competition (including Mixed competition) without prior authorisation by the Committee on medical, health, mobility or other exceptional grounds.

A player must not be accompanied by a dog or other animal during a competition (including Mixed competition) even if the dog or other animal is held on a lead.

Please avoid slow play and play at a good pace. It is the group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If the group behind are being delayed (irrespective of the numbers in that group) invite them through. Be ready to play as soon as it is your turn. Leave bags or carts in a position that will allow quick movement off the green and towards the next tee.

Please repair pitch marks, replace divots, and rake bunkers.

Please do all you can to complete your round fully, unless there are exceptional reasons for leaving the course (e.g. emergency/illness/injury). It is against the spirit of the competition not to complete your round and can be unfair to your playing partner(s).

For individual competitions, playing groups shall be a maximum of 3 balls within the allocated tee times on the entry sheet.

The player/team is responsible for accurately recording the following information on the scorecard:

  • Name of player/s
  • Current handicap/s
  • Name and date of competition
  • Tee off time
  • Tee used

All players in individual and pairs competitions (except match play knock out competitions) must have their card marked by another individual or pair also playing in the competition. Scorecards must be exchanged on the first tee prior to any ball being played.

The player/team is responsible for ensuring that the correct score for each hole is shown on the player’s/team’s scorecard being marked and also for recording their own score for each hole in the marker’s column.

Scorecards must be checked and signed both by the marker and the player prior to leaving the course.  Scores must be entered onto the computer and signed scorecards placed in the competition box.  Player failure to sign/return a scorecard will result in disqualification. All cards must be returned so that the player’s score can be checked against the marker’s score.

You cannot play in 2 competitions at the same time e.g. Stableford/Medal and Match Play.  They are separate events played under different formats; to play both at the same time diminishes the value and standing of each competition. Results will be null and void if this occurs.


The results of a competition will be published on the Club notice board and through the Club 2000 computerised system via the How-Did-I-Do website.

Club vouchers will be allocated as prize money for placings in competitions, the exact amounts to be at the discretion of the Men’s Competition Secretary, taking into account numbers of entries and entry fees received.  For individual competitions Vouchers will be allocated on the following basis:

Up to 10 entrants – 1st place

10-20 entrants – 1st and 2nd place

20-30 entrants – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places

More than 30 entrants – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places

The amounts allocated will be shown on the results sheet, on the notice board.

A proportion of entry fees are held back for the Men’s section accounts for general member expenses and benefit.

For individual competitions, there is an optional entry into a ‘2’s pot, a cash prize for a score of 2 or less on any hole.  Cash winnings will be allocated according to the number of ‘2’s recorded in any competition. You will not be eligible to win cash from the ‘2’s pot if you are disqualified for any reason.

Points will be allocated for top 10 finishes in individual qualifying competitions towards the annual Order of Merit Award.  A player’s best score on each hole in individual qualifying competitions counts towards the annual Eclectic Award.  Order of Merit and Eclectic results will be regularly updated and posted on the Club notice board.


Entry sheets will be published in advance on the Club notice board inviting entries.

Players must have an official active (‘c’) CONGU handicap (max. 28) to play in Club Knock Out competitions.

Player entries are put onto the Club 2000 computerised system, which performs the draw under the direction of the Men’s Competition Secretary.

The draw is published on the Club notice board, with competition details and deadline dates for completion of the rounds.

You are expected to play your round be the deadline date.  It is a joint responsibility of players drawn against each other to arrange matches.  Please be as flexible and reasonable as you can in making yourself available to play.

Please ensure that the Club has your up to date contact details.

Deadlines for playing matches will not be extended under any circumstances, other than where the Round deadline is changed by the Competition Secretary for exceptional reasons e.g. a prolonged period of adverse weather.

If a match cannot be completed for exceptional reasons on the day that it has been arranged e.g. bad light, dangerous weather conditions, the players can resume on a different day, but must resume from the point at which play stopped.

The players should update the draw sheet with the result immediately after the match has been played.

If the match is not played by the original deadline date (or any prior agreed extended deadline date), the players involved may decide for themselves who should go through to the next round. The players must make any decision and update the draw sheet no later than 2 days after the deadline date.  If this is not done, the Competition Secretary will withdraw the names of all players involved in the match from the competition.  Any entry fees will be retained.


A Supplementary Score counts for handicapping purposes.

A Supplementary Score may be returned at any Affiliated Club of which the player is a member.

The round can be played over 9 holes or 18 holes (both Stableford), on New Yellow tees.

Up to a maximum of 10 Supplementary Scores may be returned annually by men in Categories 2-4, and limited to 1 per week.

A player must ‘sign in’ for a Supplementary Score via the Club 2000 touch screen in advance of playing.

A player must return their score for the round by entering their score on the touch screen and placing the signed scorecard (both player and marker) in the designated Supplementary Score box.  The marker must be another Club member.

If a player who has registered for a Supplementary Score does not return a signed scorecard (both player and marker) an increase of handicap of 0.1 will automatically be applied.

Men’s Section Committee

March 2016 (as amended July 2016)

Green Fees



Please contact the clubhouse for the latest course conditions


Tee bookings can be made online or by telephone.

Instant Adult Membership available from £145.

Full Junior Membership available from £60

Please be advised 3x £1 coins are required for range balls

Golfers please be aware from November 1st 2024 until April 1st 2025 .

All trolleys used must have hedge hog wheels on them (winter wheels).

Carrying your clubs is also an option or you can hire a conforming trolley on site(book in advance if needed)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.