Seniors Golfing

The Seniors Section at Cambridge Meridian Golf Club was formed in 2003. From the very modest beginnings it has grown strongly to involve more than 50 members and has a full and interesting calendar of competitions, matches and social events.

The section is now organised through an annually elected Committee to manage and develop the increased numbers and activities of the Senior players.

Being a member of the Seniors section here at Cambridge Meridian is certainly a thoroughly enjoyable way to play your midweek golf.  The section play regularly every Tuesday and Thursday from 7.45am with Medal, Stableford and social golf being played throughout the year, as well as fun and unusual formats, especially on a Thursday.

Open to both men and women you couldn’t ask for a better atmosphere or group to be involved with.  Along with the Tuesday and Thursday meets, we also play 21 friendly matches against other local Seniors sections, giving the opportunity to not only meet and socialise with members from other Clubs, but also play a few courses that you may not already have played.

First and foremost the section is about:

  • Being serious about golf.
  • Being equally committed to having fun.
  • Enjoying companionship through golf.

Green Fees



Please contact the clubhouse for the latest course conditions


Tee bookings can be made online or by telephone.

Instant Adult Membership available from £145.

Full Junior Membership available from £60

Please be advised 3x £1 coins are required for range balls

Golfers please be aware from November 1st 2024 until April 1st 2025 .

All trolleys used must have hedge hog wheels on them (winter wheels).

Carrying your clubs is also an option or you can hire a conforming trolley on site(book in advance if needed)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.